Weekender: Allison Russell, Philip Yancey, and Enchanted Journey II: Ex-vangelical Boogaloo

In this edition of The Weekender, a miscellany of podcast highlights, insights on faith and race, a prayer worth memorizing, and a memorable TED Talk.

0 Comments11 Minutes

The Hate U Give (2018)

Preachy, but elevated by an excellent lead performance, The Hate U Give is the kind of after-school special that all of America needs right now.

0 Comments10 Minutes

House on fire!

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Mourning with those who mourn

In memory of Clementa Carlos Pinckney (1973-2015), Democrat, South Carolina Senate; senior pastor of Mother Emanuel A.M.E. [African Methodist Episcopal] Church; martyred with eight of his congregation.

0 Comments4 Minutes

Why We Need “Selma”

We need this movie. We need it for this reason: Wherever Martin Luther King Jr. carried his dream, racists and scoffers assembled. Americans have made some admirable progress since then. But is it over? Was the dream realized? When I praise this movie that was made in celebration of King's dream — guess what happens. The taunters and scoffers assemble.

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The “Most Christian” Movie of the Year?

In Selma — and I'm pretty sure about this — there is more gospel quoted, more gospel celebrated, more gospel embraced and openly lived out than in any so-called "Christian movie" released in 2014. (Except the one that was, you know, a Jesus movie.)

6 Comments3 Minutes

Selma (2014): My Review and a Looking Closer Film Forum

By choosing intimacy over an epic scale, by going small instead of large, by discernment and selectivity over throwing everything available to her at the screen, Ava Duvernay has surpassed all expectations with a masterfully crafted film that will become a standard by which historical films are measured.

0 Comments13 Minutes