You’re Not a Sexist Moviegoer. Or… Are You?

We're about halfway through 2014, and as I look at the Top 20 Box Office hits so far, something troubles me. Where are the substantial leading roles for women? I'm not talking about wicked queens in fairy tales and Hunger Games-style action heroes. I mean women. You know... women who inhabit worlds like ours.

15 Comments8 Minutes

How to Train Your Dragon 2: How to Spoil a Sequel

This isn't really a review of How to Train Your Dragon 2. It's more of a sigh of disappointment. This movie starts the engines of so many interesting story possibilities, and then devolves into just another "Come at me, bro!" battle spectacle.

7 Comments9 Minutes

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014): A Looking Closer Film Forum

I'm thinking about seeing "How to Train Your Dragon 2." So I'm consulting the opinons of Steven Greydanus, Scott Renshaw, Tasha Robinson, and Susan Wloszczyna...

1 Comment8 Minutes