Breaking news from Wipf & Stock Publishers and Gregory Wolfe, author of Beauty Will Save the World, and publisher of Image: There’s a new fiction imprint in town!

I’ll let Emily Dickinson tell you what to do:

Tell all the truth, but tell it… Slant!

From the press release:

The imprint will be called Slant. According to Wolfe, the focus of Slant will be fiction “that explores the mysteries of the human heart—the nature of desire; the pain and the hope buried in our brokenness; our fear of, and longing for, communion with the other. And we believe the best way to approach such mysteries is indirectly, through the prism of metaphor and richly drawn characters.”

He continues: “The books published under this imprint will be marked by a meticulous attention to craft and a love for language that are harder and harder to come by in an age of instant publishing. These books will lodge themselves in readers’ lives.”