Next Monday evening in Seattle, you’re invited to a live podcast discussion of the films of Terrence Malick.

You’re invited to the Kindlings Muse! Read on for details.

Come join us at Hales Pub & Brewery. Enjoy dinner, listen to the discussion, and stir things up in the Q&A session!

Register to attend here.

I’ll be on the discussion panel with Chris Chaney, Jennie Spohr, and the show host Dick Staub.

And speaking of Malick: While The Tree of Life isn’t my all-time favorite film… or even my favorite Terrence Malick film… it has inspired many of my favorite articles, interpretations, and discussions of a movie.

Here’s another one. But this is by someone who actually worked on the movie for 18 months. It was published back in June, but I don’t think I ever linked to it.

Also, at Filmwell: The Tree of Life as Biblical Theology, by Michael Leary.