I’ve just seen the first film of the year that will be on my Favorites of 2007 list at the end of the year.

God Grew Tired of Us tells a heartbreaking, awe-inspiring story, and it does so with energy, attentiveness, efficiency, and a surprising amount of humor. There is also a knockout punch at the end that will fill theaters with the smell of fresh tears.

It’s this year’s Born Into Brothels… and by that I mean it’s a film that will do a number on your perspective, cause you to rethink your priorities, and catch by surprise anybody who thinks this is going to be just another sobering documentary Africa. You’ll come away feeling like you’ve met and come to love three amazing men who have survived an ordeal we can’t even begin to imagine. And it reminds us that while Iraq is an important conflict and a nightmare, it is not the center of violent conflict in the world… it is merely the front on which the U.S. is taking substantial forceful action. There are other nightmares, and we should know about them, pray about them, and get involved however we can.

When you see what these men have survived, what America means to them, the cultural challenges they must meet and overcome, and what they have done with their opportunities and resources… it’ll get to you.

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