My Interview with World Vision Photographer Jon Warren (Plus: Some of His Favorite Images)

I love interviewing artists. And I've enjoyed a wild array of unforgettable interviews. But few of those opportunities have been as exciting as this one...

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Angela Tucker Found Something on Facebook That Changed Her Life

Ask about “Sandy the Flower Man” in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the citizens will tell you stories. He’s a lively and well-loved local who bicycles up and down Main Street, giving flowers to women and smiles to everybody. But when Angela Burt Tucker found his Facebook page in 2010, she knew she was looking at more than a friendly stranger...

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Five Must-See Movies of the Summer (Including “Stories We Tell”)

Here are a few recent releases for adventurous moviegoers who seek more than the cinematic equivalent of junk food.

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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

The filmmakers took one children's book and expanded it into three movies. So I'll take this one movie and expand it into two movie reviews...

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Father-Figuring It Out: "Margaret," "Moonrise Kingdom," and More

What does "Moonrise Kingdom" have in common with "The Master," "Sinister," "Beasts of the Southern Wild," and "Margaret"?

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Abraham Lincoln: A Trailer, A Speech, and "Divine Providence"

Here's the trailer for Steven Spielberg's Lincoln, starring Daniel Day-Lewis. But that's just the beginning. Since America will have Lincoln on the mind in the coming weeks, I encourage everyone to read the text of Abraham Lincoln's amazing Second Inaugural Address. Read it out loud. And then, well, the fun's just getting started. Check this out...

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