Ain’t It Cool has just posted the impassioned plea of a moviegoer who has seen Spike Jonze’s Where the Wild Things Are.

His plea? Save this beautiful movie, before the studio heads decide to dump it and replace it with something stupid!

(Warning: There is some “spoilerish” content in his description of the film.)

Here’s an excerpt:

Needless to say, this isn’t a movie for children… it’s a movie about childhood and the first fleeting moments where you start to become aware of the world around you and realize you’re not the center of the universe. This is a movie for parents to share with their children when they get older, when they’re dealing with these same feelings of being hurt and lonely and unloved and misunderstood. This is a movie for old friends to watch together, to remind them of their childhood in a much more profound way than simply by geeking out about days past, movies we loved and our favorite toys (which it seems are now coming back as movies). This is one of those rare timeless movies that people will revisit again and again and again throughout their life, each time finding something different to love.

This movie is Fred Savage’s grandfather saying “As you wish” at the end of The Princess Bride.

This movie is the look Susan gives to 12-year-old Josh as he walks away at the end of Big.

This movie is River Phoenix fading away at the end of Stand by Me.

This movie is important and special. Spike made this movie for us.

We have to save it.

UPDATE: Cinematical has news. The movie has a release date. But which movie will be released? Jonze’s? Or some thrown-together replacement?

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