While the mainstream press writes off the Kinsey-backlash as merely a sign of paranoia and hysteria from conservatives, those who are paying attention are having quite a chuckle over the facts that the movie ignores.

Thanks to Kathy Shaidle’s Relapsed Catholic:

“The Rockefeller Foundation eventually shut off its spigot of financing for the Kinsey Institute during the early 1950s, not because this was the McCarthy era and Kinsey’s findings were associated with communism as the movie claims (in fact, Kinsey voted Republican and purged his institute of suspected leftists), but because professional statisticians had by then thoroughly discredited his research.”

The thing is, if Christians did scientific research the way Alfred Kinsey did sex research, there would be an uproar about how those Christians are full of crap, how they don’t use their brains, how they’re breaking all the rules.

But because popular culture WANTS to believe Kinsey’s claims, nobody’s bothering to challenge his shoddy research.

Here’s more on the subject (via Relapsed Catholic):

“Kinsey’s statistics were so seriously flawed that no reputable scientific survey has ever been able to duplicate them. (…) “the December 11, 1949, New York Times, W. Allen Wallis, then chairman of the University of Chicago’s committee on statistics, dismissed ‘the entire method of collecting and presenting the statistics which underlie Dr. Kinsey’s conclusions.’ Wallis noted, ‘There are six major aspects of any statistical research, and Kinsey fails on four.'”